Thoughts on Destinations
Since I've started hiking the Camino de Santiago in 2014, I slowly broadened my interests in other trails.
In 2018, I flew from Santiago to Ireland for the Kerry Camino, and then to Portugal for the Camino Portugues (Central). If there was any takeaway from those experiences, it's that the world can be a camino.
So what's for 2019. Well, I'm still interested in Europe (altho' I can see that changing). I also have some unfinished business.
Ireland: The Kerry Camino is a 3-day portion of the 7-day Dingle Peninsula Way. I have this yearning to return and complete the Dingle Way. Ireland was beautiful and the people amazing. I need to learn more.
Portugal: Hesitant in 2018, because I don't speak Portuguese, I headed to Porto regardless. I needn't have worried. This is a beautiful country with marvelous moments waiting to be discovered. I learned that people hike from Santiago to Fatimah. I've met people who've hiked the coastal route of the Camino Portugues. These options sound magical and are calling me.
Switzerland: Several months ago, I reached out to someone with whom I hiked for four or five days on the Via de La Plata in 2016. Jos and I made tentative arrangements for 2019 to spend about 10 days here. The Via Francigena passes thru Switzerland with five flat days for the first half and then five days crossing the Swiss Alps. Who could pass that up?
Spain: So much to do, so much to see. But I am called back to the mother country of Santiago de Campostela. There is the Camino Ingles, and a new extension that runs along the northern coast of Galicia from where the Norte end to where the Ingles begins. Sounds breathtaking.
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