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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Day 23 Saint Maurice to Martigny

From Saint Maurice to Martigny

Today's Distance: 10 miles / 16 km
Total This Camino: 231 miles.
Total All Caminos: 1336 miles
Hostel/Albergue: Octodure Midi Guestrooms @ 65$ 

Notable memories

Tomorrow I have an 1200 foot climb over 12 miles. Not sure that I have complete confidence in the guide regarding altitude.
Later I will go out and locate the mountain to climb and try to get a contour map.

State of mind

I'm pretty much on my own all day from waking up to hiking all day to evening chores to sleep to waking up the next morning.

This is so different from the Camino where I can figure that I'll meet others at some point. It really can be tiresome to have no one to talk to, especially since I don't speak French.


The other day I had a massive salt fixation. Now
I'm craving sugar. Cookies, ice cream and donuts.


I'm getting much more physically exhausted by the end of the day. My sleeping which usually only needs about eight hours, has gone up to sleeping nine to nine and a half hours every night, without any inducements.

I don't know whether I'm physically exhausted or mentally exhausted or emotionally exhausted. I just know that I'm tired.

I feel like I've lost weight, although I won't know for sure until I get back to the States.


There is the daily grind of hiking, hiking and more hiking. I'm just under 250 miles now, and without a long term, clearly defined objective, like Santiago, which provides an emotional catharsis for reaching the end.

Sometimes in the morning I wonder what I'm doing in Switzerland. If and when, or when and if, I make it to the Great St Bernard Pass, my only cognizant reward will be that I climbed to 8100 feet from 1500 feet in the course of three days.

Story idea

The priest knows that to end the recurring nightmare of his failed search, as he's become used to it, for redemption is to confront the evil from which he is running, but he can't do that because he believes that in the end it will cost him his life, just as that same evil destroyed his parish and his village.

Rain, cows and the Alps

Just as Switzerland is beautiful, it's also a country where business has to occur, so there are these distractions along the way.

Having fun and not having fun at the same time

A beautiful two hundred foot waterfall along the way

I would have liked to visited, but the rain at this point was a real drag.

Although it rained all day, it wasn't bad until the last mile when the skies opened.

In Martigny. Tomorrow I have an 1300 foot climb into the Alps. Then Friday I have to repeat it, and Saturday repeat it once more. 

Chateau de La Bâtiaz

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